- PLO 1: Defend choices and aesthetic judgements in own work.\n
- CLO 1: Interpret key design thinking methodologies
- CLO 3: Apply qualitative and quantitative research methods to the design process
- CLO 4: Analyze and assess convergent vs. divergent design methods
- PLO 2: Provide thoughtful analysis of the work of others.\n
- CLO 2: Demonstrate effective collaboration and team-building skills
- CLO 4: Analyze and assess convergent vs. divergent design methods
- CLO 5: Test with rapid proto-typing and creative development
- CLO 6: Recognize the role of teamwork in the design thinking process
- PLO 3: Create visual solutions to problems presented.
- CLO 1: Interpret key design thinking methodologies
- CLO 3: Apply qualitative and quantitative research methods to the design process
- CLO 4: Analyze and assess convergent vs. divergent design methods
- CLO 5: Test with rapid proto-typing and creative development
- PLO 4: Apply graphic design principles through client influenced interaction to develop, design and implement a print and/or digital media product.
- CLO 2: Demonstrate effective collaboration and team-building skills
- CLO 5: Test with rapid proto-typing and creative development