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Viewing outcome relationships between 556 and 107 - Human Resource Management

Last approved: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 20:39:31 GMT

Last edit: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 17:12:32 GMT

107 - Human Resource Management
  • PLO 1: Contrast and apply various human resource management concepts and theories to the personnel of an organization, to include issues related to compensation, benefits and labor relations.\n
    • CLO 1: What should students know and be able to do from studying this discipline. Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension and application of input and output devices, processing hardware (such as microprocessor, random access memory), and storage devices as stated in the course syllabus.
    • CLO 2: Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension and application of Windows - graphic user interface (including at least the following concepts: disk and file management, and Linking and embedding files).
    • CLO 4: Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension and application of concepts and objectives for spreadsheet software as stated in the course syllabus (at least the following concepts and techniques: enter, edit, and format data, enter formulas and functions (sum, average, if, minimum, maximum, count), preparation of graphs, and principles of worksheet design and verification).
Key: 399