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Mar 21, 2024 by Teri LaGuardia (tlaguardia)
Viewing outcome relationships between
25 - Occupational Therapy Assistant
Last approved:
Thu, 21 Mar 2024 19:04:59 GMT
Last edit:
Wed, 10 Jan 2024 18:05:21 GMT
Program Code
25 - Occupational Therapy Assistant
Course Code
Learning Outcomes Relationships
PLO 2: Be able to recognize typical from atypical in the development and functioning of our clients/patients.
CLO 2: Differentiate between the symptoms of psychological disorders and non-pathological behaviors
CLO 3: Distinguish myths and misconceptions from facts regarding mental illness and therapy
CLO 4: Differentiate among the various types of psychological disorders using the DSM for reference
CLO 5: Differentiate among the various approaches to treating psychological disorders
CLO 7: Evaluate ethical issues regarding treatment and current status of treatment resources
CLO 9: Develop a sensitivity to differences among individuals and an openness to the factors that underlie those differences
Key: 75