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Mar 21, 2024 by mmcconne
Viewing outcome relationships between
106 - Hospitality and Tourism Management - Travel Industry
Last approved:
Thu, 21 Mar 2024 17:58:39 GMT
Last edit:
Sat, 10 Feb 2024 01:43:57 GMT
Program Code
106 - Hospitality and Tourism Management - Travel Industry
Course Code
Learning Outcomes Relationships
PLO 1: Demonstrate comprehension of fundamental concepts, principles and practices in travel and tourism and the inter-relationship to various business environments
CLO 1: Describe basic marketing terminology, concepts, and strategies.
CLO 2: Explain the influence of the various social, economic, technological, competitive, legal, and institutional environments to the marketing process.
CLO 3: Illustrate the interrelationship among a variety of marketing functions including the marketing mix, the exchange process, market segmentation and positioning.
PLO 2: Develop effective communication and collaboration processes through verbal, written and digital media using critical thinking and problem solving skills while maintaining ethical standards
CLO 4: Differentiate between ethical and unethical marketing practices.
CLO 6: Perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis using a template.
CLO 7: Conduct an environmental analysis using a template.
PLO 4: Practice professional behavior working as a productive member of a team
CLO 5: Integrate social responsibility into marketing actions.
Key: 989