
Purpose: LCCC is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle and workplace environment and will support administrators, faculty, staff and students in their efforts to reduce or discontinue the use of tobacco products. The College has adopted a 100 percent tobacco-free policy that supports a healthy environment for all as defined as:

The use of tobacco, defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including and not limited to cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), such electronic cigarettes (including but not limited to Juul, Blu, VUSE, etc.) cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff) and nasal tobacco. It also includes any smoking-simulating device, with the exception of smoking cessation products such as gum and/or patches.

The primary emphasis of this approach is to focus on the elimination of tobacco and all smoking-simulating device use on all College property, with cessation left as a choice for the individual.

LCCC is a drug-free campus and workplace.