Student Grievance Procedure

Lorain County Community College desires to resolve student grievances, complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. Students are strongly encouraged to work with the Student Services Navigator for assistance with the Student Grievance Procedure. The Student Services Navigator, located in the ARC and reachable by calling 440-366-7555, is a neutral advocate who can assist students in interpreting policies and procedures and preparing to meet with an individual with whom they seek to resolve a concern. A student who desires to resolve a grievance may initiate the resolution process by the following steps:

Procedural Steps

1. Informal Process

  • The informal process must be completed before a formal grievance can be filed. The student is advised to discuss the grievance informally with the person who is the source of the grievance or their supervisor. If the grievance is resolved by the parties, the matter is deemed closed. If the grievance is not resolved at this level, the student may request an informal review by a College administrator or designee: if the source of the complaint is another student, the Student Services Navigator; if the course of the complaint is a College employee, either the administrator who directly supervises the employee or the administrator's designee. (To promote a fair and swift resolution of their concerns, students are advised to consult with the Student Services Navigator unless there are compelling reasons to do otherwise).
  • The administrator may choose to convene the parties involved in an effort to resolve the grievance during the informal process. If the grievance is not resolved at this level, the student may initiate the formal grievance procedure.

2. Formal Grievance Procedure

A formal grievance can be initiated after the informal process has been completed and the student is not satisfied with the resolution. The formal grievance procedure begins when a written complaint is submitted to the College via the online form at Student Online Grievance. The formal grievance will then be routed to the appropriate administrator. The administrator shall further investigate the complaint, and shall, as necessary, meet with the student and the person who is the source of the grievance. Any of the parties involved in the grievance may bring a full-time Lorain County Community College employee to the meeting as an observer. The administrator must provide a written response to the student and the person who is the source of the grievance within seven business days of the meeting or receipt of the written complaint.

3. Appeal

Should the student desire to appeal the decision of the administrator, the student may submit a signed statement of appeal within seven business days to the appropriate vice president. The vice president will review the appeal, may choose to meet with the student and/or other parties as identified in (2) above and respond in writing to all parties concerning the disposition of the appeal within 10 business days.

4. Final Review

Should the student desire to request a final review of the decision of the vice president, the student may submit a signed statement of appeal within seven business days to the president. The president will review the appeal, may choose to meet with the student, and/or other parties as identified in (2) above, and respond in writing to all parties concerning the final review within 10 business days.

Note: Lorain County Community College may be required to share information concerning complaints with the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and/or other accrediting bodies.
For more information regarding this procedure or to identify your next steps, please contact the Student Services Navigator.