Chinese (CHNS)


This course provides the fundamental elements of effective communication in Chinese. Language skills are developed through cyclical practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will learn the Chinese phonological system, the basic conversational topics, vocabulary, and grammar. Communicative conventions and cultural background will provide a basis for cultural understanding.

General Education: GEO1, GEO2, GEO4

Typically Offered: Not offered this year


This course is a continuation of Elementary Chinese I. It is designed to develop the ability to comprehend and communicate in a daily life setting and special social occasions. Cultural background is introduced along with the lesson content. More intensified reading and writing Chinese Pinyin system will be continued. Reading and writing simplified Chinese will be introduced as well. Basic grammar will be incorporated within the reading and writing exercises.

General Education: GEO1, GEO2, GEO4

Course Entry Requirement(s): Prerequisite: CHNS 151G

Typically Offered: Not offered this year


This course is based on the integration of learning outcomes across interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. Students perform real-world communicative tasks in culturally appropriate ways as they gain familiarity with products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture(s). Students learn Mandarin as it is the official medium of school and all other governmental organs for the purposes of cross-dialect communication in the Chinese speaking world, although other dialects may also be introduced. Students are somewhat more confident in recognizing and using simplified and/or traditional characters tied to course content. They may also use Pinyin to facilitate pronunciation, as a bridge to literacy, or for keyboarding. Students learn grammar, vocabulary, tones, and structures to enable them to meet functional performance goals at this level and to build a foundation for continued language learning. During this course, students can consistently perform in the Novice range while more abilities emerge and develop in the intermediate range.

General Education: GEO1, GEO2, GEO4

Course Entry Requirement(s): Prerequisite: CHNS 152G

Typically Offered: Not offered this year


This course is based on the integration of learning outcomes across interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. Students perform real-world communicative tasks in culturally appropriate ways as they gain familiarity with products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture(s). Students learn Mandarin as it is the official medium of school and all other governmental organs for the purposes of cross-dialect communication in the Chinese speaking world, although other dialects may also be introduced. Students are more confident in recognizing and using simplified and/or traditional characters tied to course content. They may also use Pinyin to facilitate pronunciation, as a bridge to literacy, or for keyboarding. Students learn grammar, vocabulary, tones, and structures to enable them to meet functional performance goals at this level and to build a foundation for continued language learning. During this course, students perform consistently in the Intermediate range while a few abilities may emerge in the advanced range.

General Education: GEO1, GEO2, GEO4

Course Entry Requirement(s): Prerequisite: CHNS 251G or divisional approval

Typically Offered: Not offered this year