Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial aid is any form of funding that helps students pay for college. Financial aid consists of federal and state grants, scholarships, incentive awards, student loans and federal work-study. To apply for financial aid, students need to complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually.  LCCC participates in the following federal financial aid programs, also referred to as Title IV aid: 

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federal Work-Study
  • Federal Direct Loan programs, including the Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS).
    • (Note: for Federal Direct Loans and Federal Work-Study, students must be enrolled at least half-time (six credits). 

At LCCC, financial aid is administered by the Student Financial Aid Office.

Applying for Financial Aid

To be considered for federal financial aid programs, including the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study and Federal Direct Loans, students must complete the FAFSA.

The FAFSA is available at annually on October 1 for the following aid award year. LCCC's financial aid award year starts with the summer term, followed by fall and spring. Students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Some forms of federal need-based financial aid are awarded to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Eligibility for need-based financial aid programs is determined by information reported on the student’s FAFSA. Pell Grant eligibility will be linked to family size and the federal poverty level. Upon successful submission of the FAFSA, the applicant's Student Aid Index (SAI) will be used to determine eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG).

The SAI is an index number that’s calculated using information that applicants and their contributors provide on the FAFSA form. The SAI can range anywhere from –1500 to 999999. Note that this is not a dollar amount. The SAI replaced the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) starting in the 2024–25 award year.  Students may request to have their eligibility for the Federal Work-Study program and Federal Student Loan(s) reviewed by Student Financial Aid.

Once Student Financial Aid receives a complete and valid FAFSA, students are notified. If the U.S. Department of Education requires additional documentation before financial aid eligibility can be determined, the student will be notified via their LCCC email address. Students are encouraged to check their LCCC email on a regular basis for notices and alerts that will help them complete financial aid requirements to avoid untimely delays.

Computers and assistance from Student Financial Aid experts are available on the first floor of the Bass Library. Students and parents can receive assistance with the following: completing the online FAFSA, Federal Loan requirements, financing options and scholarship information.

Detailed information about financial aid eligibility, the student’s rights and responsibilities, eligible academic programs and other financial aid requirements is available from Student Financial Aid.

Students should follow these steps to apply for financial aid at LCCC:

  1. Apply for an FSA ID (consisting of a username and password), which will serve as your electronic signature. Dependent students will also need to have one parent apply for an FSA ID (the parent information must be reported on the FAFSA).
  2. Complete the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid online.
  3. Keep copies of all applications, use 2023 tax forms and financial documents. 
  4. Check for accurate information on the FAFSA Submission Summary sent by the US Department of Education upon successful submission of the FAFSA.
  5. Provide verification and other requested documents, if required. (Students for whom this is required will be notified via LCCC email.)
  6. Submit other requested documents as soon as possible (as applicable).

Grants and Scholarships from Federal and State Agencies

Grants are dollars given to college students by the U.S. Department of Education or the State of Ohio and are awarded based on financial need (as determined by the FAFSA application). LCCC participates in the Federal Pell Grant and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs. FSEOG is a need-based grant awarded to eligible students who have been awarded a Federal Pell Grant and have maximum financial need. Funds are on a first-come, first-served basis.

State of Ohio funding includes: Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG), Ohio War Orphans Scholarship, Choose Ohio First Scholarship, Nursing Education Loan Program (NEALP), Ohio Safety Officers College Memorial Fund, Ohio National Guard, Second Chance Grant, Governor's Merit Scholarship, Ohio Hidden Heroes Scholarship, Great Minds Fellowship, Ohio Work Ready Grant, and Gear UP. All sate programs are contingent upon the availability of state funding. Information about these programs, eligibility criteria and application process can be obtained at the Ohio Department of Higher Education website.

Scholarships and Incentive Awards

LCCC uses the MyScholarships tool for reviewing and applying for LCCC scholarships. 

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program provides the opportunity for students to earn money through federally sponsored part-time employment. Employment sites are available at LCCC and off-campus. Eligibility for Federal Work-Study is determined by the results of the FAFSA as well as current enrollment information. Students interested in an FWS position must complete the FAFSA and apply online via LCCC's Human Resources website. Contact Career Services for help with the application process.

Student Loans

LCCC participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program.

Steps for Borrowing a Federal Direct Loan 

  • Complete the current year's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Complete entrance loan counseling
  • Sign the Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN).
    • The Master Promissory Note contains important information regarding the student’s rights and responsibilities as a federal student loan borrower. Please read all sections, including Section D, which contains the promise to pay.

Additional eligibility requirements for Federal Direct Loan borrowers are: 

  • Must be enrolled (with reported attendance) for a minimum of six credit hours for each semester the student intends to borrow funds. 
  • Must be meeting the College’s satisfactory academic progress standards. 
  • Must be meeting all other U.S. Department of Education eligibility requirements. 

Limits of Certain Federal Financial Aid Programs

Students are limited to the equivalent of six full-time years of Pell Grant eligibility. This federal law monitors students' Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (referred to as LEU). The Pell Grant LEU calculations apply to all undergraduate coursework, including other schools the student attended or will transfer to. Learn more about your eligibility

Financial Aid Disbursement and Refund Policies

Financial aid funds must first be used to pay tuition and fees and then any other educational expenses. As a reminder of their financial responsibility, LCCC’s Student Accounts Office distributes paper and email bills to students approximately three times per term that reflect current and past due charges. Fees are due by the tuition due date, and taking care of the balance due is the student’s responsibility. Since students can see their balance due in MyCampus, not receiving a bill is not an excuse for not paying your charges. 

Enrollment and eligibility are monitored on an ongoing basis throughout the semester. Aid that was initially credited to the student’s account for which the student ceases to be eligible may be returned, and the student will be required to repay it. Students must commence attendance in their courses to maintain eligibility for aid. Withdrawing from a class is never an easy decision. Students should first check with the instructor to determinecurrent status in a class. In some instances, students believe they need to withdraw for any number of reasons, though it may be possible to remain in a class and successfully complete it. Withdrawal is completed by the student in MyCampus. It is the responsibility of the student to do so. If Student Financial Aid is notified after disbursement that a student has not commenced attendance, aid will be adjusted, which could create a balance due to LCCC. Students with unpaid balances will receive a Bursar’s hold for nonpayment and will be prevented from registering for future courses.  

If a student withdraws from all classes after a federal aid disbursement, the funds may be reduced according to the Return of Title IV Funds calculation. If a student drops below six hours prior to the disbursement of a Federal Direct Loan, Federal Direct PLUS loan, NEALP and certain private alternative loans, the loan funds will not be disbursed to the student account. See Loan Disbursement Regulations for additional details about the disbursement of federal loans. Note that Pell Grants are disbursed in full (starting during the fifth week of the term) for all classes where the student has commenced attendance. This means that Pell Grants for late-start courses cannot be disbursed until the student has commenced attendance in the late-start course(s).

Occasionally, due to changes in eligibility and other factors, funds are inadvertently disbursed in error. Should you receive financial aid funds to which you are not entitled, it is your responsibility to contact Student Financial Aid prior to utilizing the funds. Failure to do this may result in repayment of the incorrect award. 

 Pell Grant Disbursement

For Pell Grant recipients, enrollment intensity is calculated each semester based on the number of credits the student is enrolled in that apply to the student’s program of study for all sessions in the semester on the 14th calendar day from the start of the semester.  This date is called the census date.  Classes that do not count towards the student’s program of study or that were added after the census date will not count towards the student’s enrollment intensity and are not eligible for Pell Grant payment.  If the 14th calendar day falls on a weekend or a holiday, the census date will be the next business day. 

Once the annual Federal Pell Grant is determined, half of the award will be offered in each semester of the award year and will be prorated by Enrollment Intensity. 

Credit Hours Enrollment Level (Old) Enrollment Intensity (New)
12 (or more) Full Time (100%) 100%
11 92%
10 Three-Quarter Time (75%) 83%
9 75%
8 67%
7 Half Time (50%) 58%
6 50%
5 42%
4 33%
3 Less-Than-Half-Time 25%
2 17%
1 8%

Student Loan Disbursement

In an effort to encourage student success and completion of courses and to reduce Lorain County Community College’s Federal Student Loan default rate, student loans will be disbursed in two payments during the fall and spring semesters. Summer semester will be disbursed in one payment. The fall and spring disbursements will be based on the commencement of attendance and the midterm grades. For full-term classes, the disbursements will occur about the fifth and tenth week of the fall and spring semesters. At the first disbursement, students must commence attendance and be currently enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours. The second disbursement for Direct Student Loans occurs starting the 10th week of the semester, pending at least six credit hours of successful mid-term grades. Final grades of W or U or a midterm/final grade of FAW will not be counted towards the total hours for the minimum six credit hour disbursement requirement. Summer disbursements will be based on the commencement of attendance in a minimum of six credit hours at the time of disbursement.  Learn more about Student Loan Disbursement. 

Permission Required to Use Federal Financial Aid for Educationally-Related Activities

Students wishing to use the available balance of their federal financial aid for other educationally-related charges after tuition and fees charges are satisfied may do so by completing an electronic permission slip. These charges may include purchases made in the LCCC Bookstore, child care fees, campus meal tickets, bus passes, emergency loans, non-credit course fees, library fines and parking fines. Students may rescind this authorization at any time by visiting the Student Accounts Office and completing a Cancellation of Permission for Bookstore and Other Charges form. Students can learn more about accessing electronic student permission forms in MyCampus. Login is required.

Financial Aid Refunds

Financial aid funds are managed efficiently for the students who have commenced attendance and are earning their aid. Pell Grants and one-half of Direct Student Loans* the students are eligible for that exceed the cost of tuition, fees and any bookstore charges will be posted to the student's account during the fifth week of the semester pending confirmation of the commencement of attendance. The second disbursement for Direct Student Loans occurs during the 10th week of the semester, pending at least six credit hours of successful mid-term grades. Final grades of W or U, or a midterm/final grade of FAW, will not be counted towards the total hours for the minimum six credit hour disbursement requirement. Note: during the summer term, there is only one disbursement date, and it is on or around July 1.

Refunds are processed by the Student Accounts Office shortly after disbursement. Refund checks are mailed by Student Accounts to the student’s official mailing address listed in MyCampus. Refunds are NOT processed through Student Financial Aid.

*Direct Student Loans require half-time attendance. See Loan Disbursement Regulations for additional details.

Return of Title IV Funds for Students Who Completely Withdraw

Federal law requires schools to calculate how much federal financial aid a student has earned if that student:

  • completely withdraws or
  • stops attending before completing the semester

Based on this calculation, Lorain County Community College students who receive federal financial aid and do not complete their classes during a semester could be responsible for repaying a portion of the aid they received.

Federal financial aid covered under this regulation includes the Federal Pell Grant, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Direct loans, and Federal Direct Parent PLUS loans. State grant and scholarship programs are not covered under this regulation but follow the College’s institutional refund policy.

Learn more about LCCC’s R2T4 policy.

Comeback Programs

LCCC students and our local community have experienced multiple disruptions to everyday life and may face difficult choices regarding your progress toward a certificate or degree. LCCC recognizes that prior balances may present a challenge to return and meet educational goals. If a former student owes a balance to Lorain County Community College, they may be eligible for assistance in returning back to school. Learn more about balance assistance programs.